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FacetFuse Research

Featured Studies


Kingsley R Chin^, Jason A Seale, Carl A Bruce, Warren D Yu, Steven C Anagnost, Vivek P Kushwaha, Roger D Sung, Josue Gabriel, Craig S Meyer, Neil R Crawford, Vito Lore

Bilateral FacetFuse® TFPS demonstrated superior immediate stability than unilateral PSR and was an equivalent substitute to bilateral PSR constructs at the L5-S1 native disc level


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Kingsley R. Chin, MD*,Marco T. Reis, MDc, Phillip M. Reyes, BSE, Anna G.U. Newcomb, MS, Anda Neagoe, BS, Josue P. Gabriel, MD, Roger D.Sung, MD, Neil R.Crawford, PhD.

These results suggest that fixation at L4–L5 with TFPS is a promising alternative to PSR, with or without TLIF.  A TLIF device was less stable than the native disc with both methods of instrumentation presumably because of a fulcrum effect from a relatively small footplate. Additional interbody support may be considered for improved biomechanics with TLIF

Facet Screw Studies


J Spine Surg. 2024 Sept 23;10(3)

A comparative cadaveric biomechanical study of bilateral FacetFuse® transfacet pedicle screws versus bilateral or unilateral pedicle screw-rod construct

Kingsley R. Chin^, Jason A. Seale, Carl A. Bruce, Warren D. Yu, Steven C. Anagnost, Vivek P. Kushwaha, Roger D. Sung, Josue Gabriel, Craig S. Meyer, Neil R. Crawford, Vito Lore


Spine J. 2015 May 1;15(5)

Stability of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in the setting of retained facets and posterior fixation using transfacet or standard pedicle screws

Kingsley R Chin, Marco T Reis, Phillip M Reyes, Anna G U Newcomb, Anda Neagoe, Josue P Gabriel, Roger D Sung, Neil R Crawford


Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2016 Jan:31:59-64

Biomechanics of posterior instrumentation in L1-L3 lateral interbody fusion: Pedicle screw rod construct vs. transfacet pedicle screws

Kingsley R Chin, Anna G U Newcomb, Marco T Reis Phillip M Reyes, Grace A Hickam, Josue Gabriel, Fabio J R Pencle, Roger D Sung, Neil R Crawford


J Spinal Disord Tech. 2015 Mar;28(2)

Mini-open or percutaneous bilateral lumbar transfacet pedicle screw fixation: a technical note

Kingsley R Chin, Jason Seale, Vanessa Cumming


Spine (Phila Pa 1976) . 2003 Jun 15;28(12)

A Biomechanical Comparison of Facet Screw Fixation and Pedicle Screw Fixation

Lisa A.  Ferrara, MS, Jessica L. Secor, BS, Byung-ho Jin, MD, Andrew Wakefield, MD, Serkan Inceoglu, MS, Edward C. Benzel, MD

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