KIC Ventures LLC stands as a pioneering private equity healthtech investment firm with the world’s largest portfolio of majority-owned spine companies, deeply committed to forging a lasting global presence in the realm of innovative spinal technologies. Established by a forward-thinking spine surgeon, a graduate of Harvard Medical and Business Schools, our foundation rests on a history of pioneering investment in healthcare spinal technology since 2000.
"We are transforming spine care by equipping interventional pain management (IPM) physicians, orthopedic surgeons, and neurosurgeons with advanced technologies that enable them to Restore function, Early intervention, and Preserve anatomy (REP) in degenerative spine disease. This approach parallels innovations in cardiology, plastic surgery, and dentistry, where early outpatient treatments effectively prevent progression to more severe conditions."
With a proven track record of prioritizing long-term sustainability alongside innovation, we have consistently demonstrated resilience in the face of industry challenges. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of healthcare and technology, we remain steadfast in our commitment to leading the way in medical device advancements.